Quality control and Quality assurance

We obtained ISO9001 certification from BUREAU VERITAS JAPAN (former BVQI JAPAN) to deserve customer’s trust.
- 【Contents of authenticating and registering】
- 1. Date of certification : December 9th,2005
- 2. Certification body : BUREAU VERITAS JAPAN
- (former BVQI JAPAN)
- 3. Assessment and registration :
- (range of application) ISO 9001:2015 JIS Q 9001:2015
- (range of certification) Import of semiconductor materials and sales of processed wafers
- Collection of used wafers and sales of reclaimed products Sales of materials for solar and solar power generation related products
- Sales of related products of LED light and LED sign.
- (Certified site) Head office
- Quality Policy
- "Company that is trusted by customers"
- Act in good faith to the customer's trust as first priority.
Focus on reducing complaints, ensure high quality customer service
and advance in quality by continuous improvement. - 1. Try to reduce complaints.
- 2. Try to improve product quality by all members.

We obtained ISO14001 certification from BUREAU VERITAS JAPAN (former BVQI JAPAN) for corporate activity according to “Environment Policy” and environmental conservation activities such as energy conservation and reduction of waste products.
- 【Contents of authenticating and registering】
- 1. Date of certification : August 26th,2004
- 2. Certification body : BUREAU VERITAS JAPAN
- (former BVQI JAPAN)
- 3. Assessment and registration :
- (range of application) ISO 14001:2015 JIS Q 14001:2015
- (range of certification) Import of semiconductor materials and sales of processed wafers
- Collection of used wafers and sales of reclaimed products Sales of materials for solar and solar power generation related products
- Sales of related products of LED light and LED sign.
- (Certified site) Head office
- Environment
- Environment Policy
- "Cooperate with each company for environmental preservation and act in consideration of environmental preservation"
- 「Environment」
- 1. Take actions for lasting improvement and contamination prevention to reduce the environmental impact
- 1) Contribute to reduction of waste product through recycling business of silicon wafer
- 2) Drive resource saving and energy conservation
- 2. To meet above policy, create environmental goals and promote environmental conservation activities
- 3. Comply with the environmental law, ordinance and other legal requirements.